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Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

Asbestos Laboratory Services

At Aerem, we understand the critical nature of managing asbestos risks by the Health and Safety At Work Act 2015. Our asbestos laboratory services are designed to provide comprehensive support in identifying asbestos in building materials, soils, and waste materials, ensuring legal compliance and safeguarding health and safety.

Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

Why Invest in Asbestos Laboratory Services

Investing in asbestos laboratory services is essential for managing the health risks associated with asbestos exposure. Accurate identification and quantification of asbestos ensure the safety of occupants and workers, legal compliance, and effective management of asbestos-related risks. Identifying asbestos in building materials or soils is a legal part of managing health and safety (Health and Safety At Work Act 2015).

If you have concerns about asbestos in a property, building, or waste material, Aerem can provide expert consultation with qualified staff to assess the risk and (if necessary) develop a plan for its ongoing management. The Aerem laboratory is equipped to identify and quantify the asbestos present in samples submitted to us, following New Zealand guidelines.

Laboratory Analysis: Our IANZ-accredited laboratory is equipped to identify and quantify asbestos in samples, adhering to New Zealand guidelines. We offer:

  • Bulk Sample Analysis: Determining the presence or absence of asbestos in materials, complying with AS4964 (2004).
  • Air Monitoring Analysis: Counting airborne fibres to monitor air quality, following NOHSC:3003 (2005) standards.
IANZ Test Symbol

Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

What Our Asbestos Laboratory Can Process

Our Lab Fibre-Counting Services

Our comprehensive services include on-site or in-house fibre testing services to ensure property safety and compliance with regulatory standards. Our services include:

  • Prior to Class A asbestos removal work.
  • During Class B asbestos removal work (especially if work is next to a public location).
  • If it is not clear, control measures are effective.
  • There is evidence control measures have deteriorated.
  • There has been an uncontrolled disturbance of asbestos at the workplace (e.g. asbestos-contaminated dust has been blown around).
Aerem Team
Jane Sharma Lab

Our Testing Options

Bulk sample analysis – presence or absence of asbestos in samples of building materials, demolition debris, and other samples suspected to contain asbestos.

Complies with AS4964 (2004) “Method for the Qualitative Identification of Asbestos in Bulk Samples”.

Air monitoring analysis – counting of airborne fibres collected on a membrane filter when monitoring air quality.

Complies with NOHSC:3003 (2005) “Guidance Note on the Membrane Filter Method for Estimating Airborne Asbestos Fibres – 2nd Edition”

Choose a Asbestos Laboratory you can trust.

Sample Collection

We have provided some information on sample collection on our Asbestos Surveying page.

Please note that asbestos is potentially harmful if not handled correctly, and care needs to be taken when working with materials that are suspected to contain asbestos. We strongly recommend that sampling is undertaken by experienced and qualified people.

Chain of Custody Forms to Download

Ready to Ensure Your Environment is Asbestos-Free?

Take the first step towards a safer, healthier property today with Aerem’s expert asbestos laboratory services. Don’t let asbestos risks go unmanaged—our accredited expertise, comprehensive solutions, and unwavering commitment to safety are here to guide you through every step of the process.

Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

Why Choose Aerem's Asbestos Laboratory

Accredited Expertise:

Aerem’s IANZ-accredited lab and skilled team ensure our services are of the highest quality and are compliant. Our continuous training in the latest safety protocols and asbestos analysis techniques guarantees expertise that meets national standards.

Comprehensive Solutions:

We offer a suite of asbestos management services, including consultation, sample collection, laboratory analysis, and fibre counting. This full-range approach simplifies the process, efficiently addressing all your asbestos needs under one roof.

Safety First:

Our commitment to safety is unwavering. We adhere to legal and industry standards and aim to surpass them, protecting our clients, their properties, and our team with stringent safety measures and the latest equipment.

Client-Centered Service:

At Aerem, we prioritise your specific needs, offering customised, practical solutions. Our approach is built on communication, providing clear reports and recommendations, and ensuring a partnership based on trust and transparency.

Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

Our Laboratory Process

1. Initial Consultation

Our first step involves a detailed consultation to understand your specific asbestos concerns and requirements. During this session, we discuss the scope of your project, potential areas of concern, and any immediate questions you might have about asbestos in your property. This stage is crucial for tailoring our services to meet your unique needs and for providing an overview of what to expect moving forward.

2. Sample Collection

We offer comprehensive guidance on safely collecting asbestos samples, emphasising the importance of minimising exposure risks. For clients who prefer a hands-off approach, Aerem provides professional sample collection services conducted by our trained and qualified team. This ensures that samples are collected correctly and safely, adhering to strict health and safety protocols.

3. Laboratory Analysis

Once samples are collected, they are analysed in our IANZ-accredited laboratory using state-of-the-art equipment and methodologies. This step involves a detailed examination to identify and quantify the presence of asbestos in the samples. Our laboratory processes are designed to be thorough and accurate, ensuring reliable results that you can trust.

4. Reporting

After analysis, Aerem compiles and delivers a comprehensive report detailing the findings. This report includes the identification and quantification of asbestos, along with clear recommendations for managing or remediating the asbestos found. We ensure that our reports are understandable and actionable, providing you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your property.

5. Management and Remediation Plans

Based on the results of the laboratory analysis and the specific requirements of your site, we can develop tailored asbestos management or remediation plans. This step is designed to provide a clear pathway for addressing asbestos-related issues, prioritising safety, compliance, and efficiency. Whether it involves ongoing management strategies or immediate removal actions, our plans are developed with your best interests in mind.

6. Ongoing Support

Our relationship with clients doesn’t end with the delivery of the report. Aerem offers ongoing support and advice to ensure effective asbestos management and compliance with New Zealand regulations over the long term. Whether you have further questions, require additional services, or need advice on implementing management plans, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.

Better Environment, Better Tomorrow


Highly recommend this business! Thorough and responded immediately to all my questions. Great customer service. All the best Aerem Team. Faafetai

Turi Leilua

Thanks Jane, Mani and all the Team at Aerem super prompt and efficient service as always, great company to work with.

David Young

Great company with an awesome and friendly team behind it. Highly recommended to anyone who is seeking their service.

Sophia Hemaloto

Don't forget to check our other services

Other Services

Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

FAQs - Asbestos Laboratory Services

Aerem provides IANZ-accredited laboratory services with a skilled team trained in the latest safety protocols and asbestos analysis techniques. We offer comprehensive solutions, from consultation to laboratory analysis, prioritising safety and client-centred service to ensure your environment is safe and asbestos-free.

Our services include consultation, sample collection, laboratory analysis for identifying and quantifying asbestos in materials and air, and fiber counting for on-site or in-house needs. We comply with New Zealand guidelines and the Health and Safety At Work Act 2015.

Safety is our top priority. We adhere to strict health and safety protocols during sample collection and analysis. Our laboratory uses state-of-the-art equipment and methodologies to minimise exposure risks, ensuring the safety of our clients, their properties, and our team.

Our process begins with an initial consultation to understand your needs, followed by sample collection, laboratory analysis, detailed reporting with clear recommendations, and the development of tailored management or remediation plans. We also offer ongoing support and advice for effective asbestos management.

Yes, our laboratory is equipped to identify and quantify asbestos in building materials, soils, and waste materials. We provide expert consultation and analysis to assess the risk and develop a plan for its ongoing management, ensuring legal compliance and safeguarding health.

Aerem stands out due to our accredited expertise, comprehensive solutions, unwavering commitment to safety, and client-centred service. We aim to exceed legal and industry standards, providing customised solutions and a partnership based on trust and transparency.

To begin, contact Aerem for an initial consultation where we’ll discuss your asbestos concerns and requirements. This step helps us tailor our services to meet your specific needs and provide an overview of what to expect. You can take the first step towards a safer property by reaching out to us today.

The turnaround time can vary depending on the scope of testing and analysis required. After collecting samples, they are promptly analysed in our laboratory, with efforts made to ensure a thorough and accurate examination. We strive to deliver comprehensive reports detailing our findings as quickly as possible, without compromising on quality or accuracy.