Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

Asbestos Management Plans

Asbestos removal projects can be worrying, uncontrollable, expensive, and have high liability. Like any specialised project, the works’ scoping, procurement, and coordination and management of asbestos should be undertaken, or at least coordinated, by an experienced, certified asbestos assessor and thats why its so important to have an asbestos management plan.

Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

Why Get An Asbestos Management Plan?

With Aerem assisting you with the your asbestos management plan, you can ensure that your asbestos removal management specification and tender process is under conrol. Our approach to the tender process includes:

  • Tender scoping
  • Procurement of quotes
  • Evaluation of health and safety documentation
  • Evaluation of the final asbestos removal plan

We are an independent party, so it is not our duty to manage the tender process. However, with our guidance and market knowledge, we can provide you with the best options for resolving your asbestos issues.

Navigating Asbestos Compliance with Expertise

Asbestos is a collection of natural fibrous minerals known for their resistance to heat and deterioration. This has led to the utilisation of asbestos in industrial products, including materials for insulation and fire resistance, vehicle braking systems, and use in wallboard construction.

Materials containing asbestos pose a significant health hazard to workers, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. The inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers can embed in lung tissues, leading to serious respiratory problems and diseases over time. Therefore, removing asbestos is vital to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for workers, particularly in areas where the material might be disturbed or degrade.

Occupational Hygienist Assessments
Asbestos Management Plans

At Aerem, we specialise in offering comprehensive solutions tailored to manage your asbestos management related challenges in your properties.

Recognising the critical nature of asbestos hazards, our Asbestos Management Plan service has been developed to align with the Health and Safety at Work Regulations 2016 (Asbestos). These regulations mandate that all workplaces with presumed or identified asbestos or asbestos materials (including soils) must have an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) in place.

Our commitment is to ensure that your premises not only meet but exceed these regulatory requirements, protecting the health and safety of all those involved.

Asbestos Management Plans

Get Asbestos Removal Management

Our Asbestos Removal Management service is measured by implemented quality systems, communication to clients and contractors, and a documented approach of the asbestos management from the start of the project to completion.

Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

Why Choose Aerem

Choosing Aerem means partnering with a leader in asbestos management. Our unique blend of expertise, dedication to safety, and commitment to compliance sets us apart in work involving asbestos management as we ensure:

Expertise in Local Compliance

We possess in-depth knowledge of New Zealand’s specific asbestos management regulations and provide solutions and full asbestos management plans that ensure full adherence to the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016.

Independent and Unbiased Guidance

Our independent status guarantees that our primary focus is your health and safety and compliance. We offer unbiased advice and solutions tailored to your unique situation.

Comprehensive Service Offering

From tender scoping and quote procurement and management to the meticulous evaluation of your management plans and documentation, our services cover every aspect of asbestos management plan. We ensure a seamless and hassle-free process for you.

Focus on Client Satisfaction

We focus on developing long-term relationships with our clients. Your health, safety, satisfaction, and peace of mind are our top priorities, and we go above and beyond to ensure these are met at every step of your asbestos management plan journey so you can avoid all asbestos exposure risks.

Independent Guidance, Superior Solutions

While we do not directly manage the tender process, our independent advice and deep market insights ensure that you are equipped with the best solutions for addressing your own asbestos exposure concerns even if it’s assumed asbestos.

Our commitment to impartiality guarantees that our guidance is always focused on your best interests, empowering you with the knowledge to make informed decisions throughout the process.

Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

Our Process

1. In-Depth Tender Scoping

Our process starts with a detailed evaluation of your project requirements. We conduct extensive analysis to define the project scope, ensuring your Asbestos Management Plan covers all necessary aspects for a thorough and compliant asbestos removal process.

2. Procurement of Competitive Quotes

With our extensive industry knowledge and connections, we guide you in obtaining competitive quotes from trusted contractors. Our independent stance ensures that you receive transparent, cost-effective options so you don’t have to compromise on quality or compliance.

3. Critical Assessment of the Final Asbestos Removal Plan

Our involvement extends beyond document evaluation. We critically analyse the final asbestos removal plan to confirm its comprehensiveness, feasibility, and adherence to all legal and safety requirements. This ensures a smooth, predictable project flow without unexpected hurdles.

4. Stringent Evaluation of Health and Safety Documentation

Prioritising your safety, we rigorously review all health and safety documentation from contractors to confirm compliance with New Zealand’s strict asbestos removal standards. This meticulous scrutiny safeguards the well-being of everyone, from onsite workers to building occupants.

Take Action Towards Asbestos Compliance and Safety

Dealing with asbestos requires expert knowledge, meticulous attention to detail, and an uncompromising commitment to meeting regulatory standards. Our asbestos management plan ensures you stay safe and comply with the asbestos rules and regulations.
Aerem is dedicated to partnering with you to ensure that your property is safe and compliant and a model of best practices in reviewed asbestos management.

Contact us today to discover more about our Asbestos Management Plan service and how our expertise can guide you through this intricate process with clarity and confidence.

Better Environment, Better Tomorrow


Highly recommend this business! Thorough and responded immediately to all my questions. Great customer service. All the best Aerem Team. Faafetai

Turi Leilua

Thanks Jane, Mani and all the Team at Aerem super prompt and efficient service as always, great company to work with.

David Young

Great company with an awesome and friendly team behind it. Highly recommended to anyone who is seeking their service.

Sophia Hemaloto

Don't forget to check our other services

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Better Environment, Better Tomorrow

FAQs - Asbestos Management Plans

An Asbestos Management Plan is a comprehensive document prepared to identify and manage the risks associated with asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) within a property or workplace. This management plan sets out procedures for asbestos assessment, monitoring, removal, and disposal to ensure compliance with safety at work asbestos regulations 2016 and protect the health and safety of occupants and workers.

An Asbestos Management Plan is necessary to comply with regulations, such as the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016. It helps businesses or undertakings (PCBUs) identify and assess asbestos risks, implement control measures, and ensure the safe management or removal of ACMs to minimize health hazards and liabilities.

An Asbestos Management Plan typically includes:

  • Identification of ACMs within the premises through an asbestos survey
  • Risk assessment and prioritization of ACMs
  • Procedures for managing identified asbestos, including maintenance and emergency response
  • Training requirements for personnel conducting work with asbestos
  • Regular review and updating processes to ensure the plan sets are kept up to date with current regulations and best practices.

Aerem offers expertise in navigating asbestos management, ensuring your premises meet or exceed regulatory requirements. Our services include tender scoping, procurement of competitive quotes, evaluation of health and safety documentation, and critical assessment of the final asbestos removal plan. With our independent and unbiased guidance, you can trust us to prioritize your safety and compliance while providing comprehensive solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Aerem possesses in-depth knowledge of New Zealand’s asbestos management regulations and ensures full adherence to the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016. Our rigorous evaluation of health and safety documentation from contractors, along with critical assessment of the final asbestos removal plan, guarantees compliance with legal and safety requirements.

While Aerem does not directly manage asbestos removal projects, we provide expert guidance and support throughout the process, ensuring you receive competitive quotes from trusted contractors and comprehensive evaluation of removal plans. Our focus is on empowering you with the best solutions for addressing asbestos concerns while prioritizing safety and compliance.

To get started with an Asbestos Management Plan from Aerem, simply contact us today. Our team of experts will guide you through the process, offering clarity and confidence in managing asbestos-related challenges within your property or workplace.

As per regulations, an Asbestos Management Plan must be reviewed every five years or sooner if there are significant changes to the premises, such as renovations or discoveries of new ACMs. This ensures that the plan remains up to date with current regulations and reflects any changes in asbestos risk within the property or workplace.

If you suspect ACMs are present, it is crucial to conduct an asbestos survey to identify and assess the materials. Once identified, an Asbestos Management Plan must be prepared to manage the risks associated with the ACMs, including procedures for monitoring, maintenance, and, if necessary, removal.

The person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) is primarily responsible for managing asbestos risks within their workplace or property. This includes implementing an Asbestos Management Plan, ensuring compliance with regulations, providing training to workers, and maintaining a safe environment for all occupants.

Yes, Aerem offers comprehensive training programs on asbestos awareness and management tailored to the needs of businesses and property owners. Our training sessions cover topics such as identifying ACMs, understanding regulatory requirements, implementing control measures, and handling emergencies/incidents related to asbestos exposure.

Failing to have an Asbestos Management Plan in place can lead to serious consequences, including legal penalties, fines, and potential harm to occupants’ health. Non-compliance with asbestos regulations may also damage the reputation of businesses and result in costly remediation efforts to address asbestos-related incidents or emergencies.

Yes, Aerem provides expertise in developing emergency response plans tailored to asbestos incidents. Our team can assist in creating procedures for managing emergencies, such as accidental disturbance of ACMs, to minimize exposure risks, protect occupants’ safety, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

The timeframe for creating an Asbestos Management Plan depends on various factors, including the size of the property, the complexity of ACMs present, and regulatory requirements. Aerem works efficiently to develop customized management plans within a reasonable timeframe, ensuring timely compliance and effective risk management.